Mot-clé : webinar
Webinar on a Shared Infrastructure for Transparent and Transportable Peer Review (Blockchain)
« The project for a Shared Infrastructure on Transparent and Transportable Peer Review was started in March 2018, by Digital Science,…28.11.2018
EOSCpilot & LIBER Webinar: Skills and Training in Open Science and the EOSC ecosystem
« Interested in skills and training in Open Science and the EOSC ecosystem, as it relates to libraries…15.11.2018
OpenAIRE – EOSC-hub webinar “Data Privacy and Sensitive Data Services”
« The need for professionally managing sensitive data is growing in science, therefore we invite you to join our webinar on…05.11.2018
COAR Webinar and Discussion Series: Engaging the research community with repository services
« One of the most challenging aspects of managing a repository is to raise the visibility of repository services in order…18.09.2018
Where does publisher metadata go and how is it used?
« Earlier this week, colleagues from Crossref, ScienceOpen, and OPERAS/OpenEdition joined forces to run a webinar on “Where does publisher metadata…11.09.2018
OCLC Research Library Partnership Launches Webinars, Interest Group on Research Data Management
« A major focus of the OCLC Research Library Partnership is engaging partner intuitions around issues facing libraries.22.08.2018
LIBER Webinar: TU Delft’s Data Stewardship Project
« Helping researchers to effectively manage, archive and share their data can be challenging ». « TU Delft…13.07.2018
Resource Sharing, Wikidata, Web Archiving Metadata, RDM featured in Recent RLP Webinars
« Five webinar recordings from the OCLC Research Library Partnership (RLP) are now available to watch on demand. (…) »02.07.2018
Webinar: What is an RDA Europe Node and how to get involved
« (…) The webinar covers: What are RDA Europe National Nodes? What activities are nodes engaged in? What is the process to…18.05.2018
LIBER Webinar: GDPR & What It Means For Researchers [recording]
« This is a recording of a LIBER Webinar, held on 16 May 2018 with speakers Marlon Domingus and Maria Rehbinder »07.05.2018
LIBER Webinar: GDPR: What Does It Mean For Researchers?
« Join us on 16 May at 13:00 CET for a LIBER Webinar on GDPR and what it means for researchers.25.04.2018
LIBER Webinar: Turning FAIR Data Into Reality
« This is a recording of a LIBER webinar, made on 23 April 2018. It focuses on the work of the…24.04.2018
Webinar with Prof. Leslie Chan | Open Access in the Global South: Perspectives from the Open and Collaborative Science in Development Network
« COAR is pleased to announce a webinar session with Prof. Leslie Chan, University of Toronto Scarborough entitled “Open Access in…11.04.2018
LIBER Webinar: Turning FAIR Data Into Reality
« Join us on 23 April at 1400 CET for a LIBER Webinar: Turning FAIR Data Into Reality —…28.03.2018
EUA webinar, Wednesday 11 April 2018 : The landscape of ‘Big Deal’ contracts across Europe: views from the university sector
« This webinar will present the main outcomes of the EUA ‘Big Deals’ Survey, a case study from a European country…20.03.2018
ICSTI Webinar ’Blockchain for Science’ – 12th April 2018
« Blockchain is the technology behind Bitcoin and offers a peer-2-peer network for Trust that potentially can disintermediate traditional brokering authorities…01.03.2018
Listen back to the Knowledge Exchange & OASPA webinar on OA Monographs
« On the 14th December, Knowledge Exchange and OASPA co-hosted the webinar ‘New Developments in Open Access Monographs’, to present…08.12.2017
OASPA and Knowledge Exchange Webinar: New Developments in Open Access Monographs
« This webinar is open to the public (…) On Thursday 14th December OASPA and Knowledge Exchange will co-host the webinar…17.10.2017
OpenAIRE webinars during OA Week 2017 in collaboration with FOSTER
« REGISTRATION NOW OPEN FOR THE OPENAIRE OPEN ACCESS WEEK 2017 WEBINARS To celebrate Open Access Week (23-27th October 2017), OpenAIRE…04.04.2017
LIBER: Webinar video: Are the FAIR data guidelines really fair?
« The FAIR Data Principles are a hot topic in research data management. Their adoption within the H2020 funding programme means…24.02.2017
LIBER Webinar: Are the FAIR Data Principles Fair?
« The FAIR Data Principles are a hot topic in research data managment. Their adoption within the H2020 funding programme means…10.02.2017
Séminaires en ligne EBSCO – Mars 2017
« Les Webinaires EBSCO sont des séminaires d’information en ligne d’une durée de 30 à 45 minutes maximum. Gratuits et accessibles sur…29.06.2016
Webinar: The future of altmetrics – 04 july 2016
« ScienceOpen and Altmetric are pleased to co-host a webinar entitled “The future of altmetrics”.07.12.2015
Enjeux des métadonnées dans l’économie du document. Webinaire
« Enssib – Webinaire Auteurs : Epron Benoît, Giret-Butz Hugo, Gosselin Dionne Miguel, Hadrien Gardeur, Jautard Aurely »28.07.2015
NISO Webinar: MOOCs and Libraries: A Brewing Collaboration Wednesday, August 12, 2015 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)
» … The development and rising popularity of the massive open online course (MOOC) presents a new opportunity…04.05.2015
“New Librarians Global Connection: best practices, models and recommendations » April 2015 webinar recording now available
« For the 4th consecutive year, IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning and IFLA New Professionals Special Interest…16.03.2015
Discovering Granular Content
« With search functionality that emulates modern single search engines, discovery services like the…19.12.2014
Video of OCLC Research Webinar “Innovative Solutions for Dealing with Born-Digital Content in Obsolete Formats”
« … Many archives hold born-digital content on numerous types of antiquated media and in obsolete formats but lack the…05.12.2014
Webinaire 2 : Economie des communs – Valérie Peugeot
« Valérie Peugeot est chercheuse à Orange Labs, en charge des questions de prospective au sein du laboratoire de…archinfo24.hypotheses.org, Jean-Michel Salaün, 4 décembre 2014
Webinaire 1 : Economie des données – Stéphane Grumbach
« … Stéphane Grumbach est directeur de recherche à Inria, responsable de l’équipe Dice, Données de l’Internet au…archinfo24.hypotheses.org, Jean-Michel Salaün, 2 décembre 2014
The Feedback Loop Between Open Access & Altmetrics
« … In the webinar, Mike Showalter, Plum Analytics Product Manager, talks about the role altmetrics can play in promoting the use…16.10.2014
Webinar #3: RDA–WDS Data Publishing Webinar for Data Repositories and Services
« … The presentations cover how data centres, publishers, and research institutes are working together to make Publishing Data an…04.09.2014