Mot-clé : university-of-california
Supporting Big Data Research at the University of California, Berkeley
« Based on interviews with big data researchers at UC Berkeley as part of an Ithaka S+R project, this local report…17.06.2020
Landmark Transformative Agreement reached between Springer Nature and University of California
« Springer Nature, the largest open access (OA) publisher, and the University of California (UC) have agreed a Memorandum of Understanding…20.09.2019
Open Access Publishing with Cambridge University Press Begins September 19, 2019
« Earlier this year, we shared some exciting changes that will make it easier and more affordable…08.08.2019
Fact check: What you may have heard about the dispute between UC and Elsevier
« Whether you have received an email directly from Elsevier, or have been reading the news coverage since early July, you…osc.universityofcalifornia.edu, UC Negotiating Team, 2 aout 2019
Update on open access and academic journal contracts: a presentation to the University of California Board of Regents’ Academic and Student Affairs Committee
« On July 17, 2019, Acting Provost and Vice Provost Susan Carlson, University Librarian and Chief Digital Scholarship Officer Jeffrey MacKie-Mason,…osc.universityofcalifornia.edu, Günter Waibel, 17 juillet 2019
An introductory guide to the UC model transformative agreement
« Transformative open access agreements has recently come into use as an umbrella term for a type of comprehensive publisher agreement.12.04.2019