Mot-clé : technische-informationsbibliothek-tib
TIB publishes results of six surveys on the state of implementation of Open Access
« During the first funding phase of open-access.network, the Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) conducted six qualitative surveys on how open access is…18.08.2022
TIB endorses Action Plan for Diamond Open Access
« TIB endorses the Action Plan for Diamond Open Access initiated by several European organizations. In doing so,…28.04.2022
What are the benefits of open access? TIB study confirms advantages and dispels reservations
« Open access – free access to scholarly publications – offers many advantages. As surveys show, however, some researchers still have…17.11.2021
Finding the right open-access journal with B!SON
« More and more researchers require their results to be openly available (Kramer and Bosman, 2016). However, it can…24.11.2020
Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) joins OLH LPS model
« We are very pleased to announce that the Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) has joined the Open Library of Humanities’ Library Partnership…12.11.2020
Semantic Publishing: The Future Open Textbook – a Contribution to NFDI4Culture
« Semantic Publishing is a new open-source software research project contributing to the techstack for the creation of multi-format textbooks. A…04.11.2020
TIB Blog: Open source infrastructure for the new publishing platform
« After we introduced the strategic and conceptual orientation of our new open-access…31.05.2019
Publish your video abstract
« Since October 2015, when the cooperation between Copernicus Publications and the TIB AV-Portal started, authors have been enabled to host…22.01.2019
Successful journal flipping: TIB supports new journal Quantitative Science Studies
« The new year begins with good news: The International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI) and its…19.07.2018
TIB facilitates literature supply despite Elsevier blocking access to electronic journals
« Almost 800 journals available via TIB Document Delivery Talks between the scientific publisher Elsevier and the German Rectors’ Conference…28.02.2018
TIB publishes Strategy 2018-2022
« In its Strategy 2018-2022, the TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology sets out its objectives for the…13.02.2018
Project BOOST 4.0 launched – Big Data for Factories
« Joint Lab « Data Science & Open Knowledge » as partner The project BOOST 4.0 (http://boost40.eu/), funded by…01.02.2018
TIB presents prototype for sustainable research data management
« Open source tool « TIB Data Manager » improves the usability of research data The TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science…19.01.2018
A “lab report” – on the launch of TIB Labs
« (…) But why does TIB – why do libraries – need laboratories at all? When we think of laboratories, we…16.01.2018
FOSTER Book Sprint at TIB
« Authoring collaboratively a Handbook for Open Science Training in just five days From 12 to 16 February 2018,…24.10.2017
EDP Sciences and TIB sign agreement to publish Open Access conference proceedings
« On 12 October 2017, EDP Sciences signed a partnership agreement with the Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) –…26.09.2017
TIB publishes results of survey: information procurement and publishing behaviour in science and technology
« Researchers would like more advisory services on Open Access, research data and the handling of non-textual material How do researchers…25.09.2017
Allemagne : Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) and Research Centre L3S join forces
« The Joint Lab Data Science & Open Knowledge explores new ways to access information in large databases What is…19.07.2017