Mot-clé : sustainability
2024 International Research Software Funders Workshop | September 11-13, 2024, Uppsala, Sweden
« (…) The workshop will focus on operationalizing the Amsterdam Declaration on Funding Research Software Sustainability (ADORE.software) by developing a monitoring…16.04.2024
Understanding the financial sustainability of institutional publishers and service providers in Europe
« One of the main tasks of the DIAMAS project is to investigate the financial sustainability of institutional…04.04.2024
DIAMAS Project | D5.1 IPSP Sustainability Research Report
« Understanding the sustainability of institutional publishers and service providers (IPSPs) constitutes a key step in the DIAMAS project. This…25.03.2024
The FAIR for Research Software Principles after two years: An adoption update
« The FAIR for Research Software (FAIR4RS) Principles aim to promote and encourage the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and…21.11.2023
“Be sustainable”: EOSC-Life recommendations for implementation of FAIR principles in life science data handling
« The main goals and challenges for the life science communities in the Open Science framework are to increase reuse and…31.10.2023
Continuing partnerships after SCOSS
« Creating long-term sustainability is a challenge for many open science and open access infrastructures and building longer-term partnerships is key.12.10.2021
EPFL College of Humanities (CDH) visiting scholar to investigate digital infrastructures
« As a visiting scholar in the EPFL College of Humanities (CDH) for the academic year 2021/22, humanities and digital technologies…03.06.2021
Science Europe: Practical Guide to Sustainable Research Data
« This Practical Guide provides guidance to ensure the long-term preservation and accessibility of research data, and supports organisations to provide…27.05.2021
Goodbye, Microsoft Academic – Hello open research infrastructure
« The announcement of the closure of Microsoft Academic later this year, may have left the research community largely unmoved, although…02.05.2018
Une initiative pour le financement de l’open science : SCOSS
« SPARC Europe a lancé la « Coalition mondiale pour la durabilité des services scientifiques ouverts » (…23.03.2017