Mot-clé : social-sciences-humanities-open-cloud-sshoc
Investments in Open Services via SCOSS The Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services [webinaire]
« This webinar, hosted by CARL, CRKN, and ARL on Nov. 5, 2020, presents an overview of the Global Sustainability Coalition…23.09.2020
Realising the European Open Science Cloud: Towards a FAIR research data landscape for the social sciences, humanities and beyond
« Help create a FAIR research data landscape! Discover new tools and techniques and aggregate your services to the EOSC…24.12.2019
SSHOC 2019 Overview: From Project Kick-Off to The Latest Tools and Services
« A comprehensive A-Z review of the key events, publications and milestones that marked our progress during the first year of…03.12.2019
SSHOC Report on (meta) data interoperability problems: What research librarians need to know
« Are you a librarian with responsibility for data management? If so, you may gain valuable insights from a recent SSHOC…23.07.2019
How the RDA impacts social sciences research (and what’s in it for SSHOC)
« RDA Europe 4.0 Social Sciences Ambassador Ricarda Braukman has analysed the RDA Working and Interest Groups and identified those initiatives…12.02.2019