Mot-clé : research-data-services
Big Data Infrastructure at the Crossroad
« (…) This report provides a detailed account of how big data research is pursued in academic contexts, focusing on identifying…Dylan Ruediger, Thea P. Atwood, Neelam Bharti, Bryan Briones, Patrick Campbell, Paula Carey, et.al
From Acquisition to Access to Archiving – Creating Library Data Services that Provide End-to-End Support for Library Acquired Data
« This case study outlines the challenges and opportunities that we are currently facing with data management of acquired datasets at…01.03.2017
Research Data Services in European Academic Research Libraries
(…) This article presents the results of a survey of directors of the Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER) academic…liberquarterly.eu, Carol Tenopir, Sanna Talja, Wolfram Horstmann et al., 14 février 2017