Mot-clé : politique-de-la-recherche
AmeliCA before Plan S – The Latin American Initiative to develop a cooperative, non-commercial, academic led, system of scholarly communication
« Open access is often discussed as a process of flipping the existing closed subscription based model of scholarly communication to…blogs.lse.ac.uk, Eduardo Aguado-López, Arianna Becerril-Garcia, 8 aout 2019
OASPA Response to European Commission Expert Group Report
« Earlier this year the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 expert group on Future of Scholarly Publishing and…18.02.2019
EU publications – Cost-benefit analysis for FAIR research data Policy recommendations – Study
« FAIR research data encompasses the way to create, store and publish research data in a way that they are…publications.europa.eu, Direction générale de la recherche et de l'innovation, 16 janvier 2019