Mot-clé : pays-nordiques
NeIC 2022 – Workshop “EOSC in the Nordics: from policy to practice” | 30 mai 2022
« The EOSC-Nordic workshop “EOSC in the Nordics: from policy to practice” will be co-located with NeIC conference 2022 to be…28.04.2022
FAIR data collaboration in the Nordics
« Year 2022 marks the 10-year anniversary for NeIC. To celebrate this milestone, we will publish ten stories that showcase how…15.11.2021
16th Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing 2021. November 16–18, 2021[vidéos]
« Munin Conference is an annual conference on scholarly publishing and communication, primarily revolving around open access, open data, and open…20.10.2021
EOSC-Nordic blog: Feasibility study of implementation of X-Road for research data is now published
« Deliverable D3.6 is dedicated to the feasibility assessment of X-Road-based solutions for exchanging research data. The goal of the feasibility…06.07.2021
Study of the Nordic SSH Journal Publishing Landscape
« The Nordic publications Committee for Humanities and Social Science Periodicals (NOP-HS) commissioned a study of the Nordic journal landscape. The…03.06.2021
Open Science policies and resource provisioning in the Nordic and Baltic countries (second report) is published
« A new deliverable from the EOSC-Nordic Work Package on Legal Issues, Policies, and Sustainability is out! For the deliverable on…25.03.2021
Materials from the Second EOSC-Nordic Policy Workshop are now available
« The second EOSC-Nordic Policy Workshop was hosted by the Baltics and was successfully held online on March 9. This year,…22.02.2021
EOSC-Nordic: FAIRification STEP 2 on DATA / METADATA webinar
« On February 3, 2021, data repository representatives from across the Nordics and Baltics participated in a FAIRification webinar organised by…17.11.2020
Introducing EOSC-Nordic Knowledge Hub
« We are delighted to present the first version of our new Virtual Competence Center, called the…04.11.2020
Restrictive Policies a Barrier to Cross-Border Open Science – Open Science in the Nordics: Legal Insights published
« The most recent deliverable from EOSC-Nordic Work Package on Legal Issues, Policies, and Sustainability is out! By engaging with four…26.10.2020
National Lists of Scholarly Publication Channels: An Overview and Recommendations for Their Construction and Maintenance
« This paper provides an overview of scholarly publication channel lists and contributes with a set of recommendations for the construction…14.10.2020
EOSC-Nordic Certification support seminar on FAIR data
« The group within EOSC-Nordic focusing on FAIR data arranged a plenary webinar on certification support early September for a selected…eosc-nordic.eu, Josefine Nordling, Henrik Jakobsen, 30 septembre 2020
Les quatre dimensions des bibliothèques
« On dit parfois que les bibliothèques actuelles, les bibliothèques dites « troisième lieu », bradent les collections. En gros, on remplacerait les…22.05.2019
Proceedings of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 4th Conference Copenhagen, Denmark, March 5-8, 2019
« The paper describes the main characteristics of the scientific programme of the fourth conference of Digital Humanities in the Nordic…21.03.2019
Open access journal publishing in the Nordic countries
« (…) This study had three major research objectives: first, to comprehensively identify existing active OA journals in the Nordic countries,…onlinelibrary.wiley.com, Bo‐Christer Björk, 19 mars 2019, https://doi.org/10.1002/leap.1231
New perspectives on data management and open research data in the Nordic countries
« On October 3rd, the Swedish Research Council in collaboration with NordForsk and Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration arranged a workshop on the…03.08.2018
The Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC) 2017 Annual Report
« Get all the highlights from 2017: Read what the NeIC projects have achieved and which impact they have made. You…22.06.2017
Nordic collaboration from a research data management perspective – NeIC 2017
« NeIC stands for Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration. NeIC conference 2017 took place in Umeå between May 28 and…blog.stockholmuniversitypress.se, Joakim Philipson, Tuija Drake, 21 juin 2017