Mot-clé : modele-de-publication
OECD data, publications and analysis become freely accessible
« The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has transitioned to open-access information model. The OECD began granting greater…17.06.2022
Knowledge Exchange welcomes comments on Alternative Publishing Platforms scoping paper
« These days there are so many ways to communicate or disseminate research. Each platform has different aims and features. To…17.05.2021
RIO Journal 5 years on: over 300 published outcomes from all around the research cycle
« Five years on, the Open Science-driven journal Research Ideas and Outcomes (RIO) published an editorial that looks back on the…10.02.2020
An excess of positive results: Comparing the standard Psychology literature with Registered Reports
« When studies with positive results that support the tested hypotheses have a higher probability of being published than studies with…16.10.2019
Registered Reports: views from editors, reviewers and authors
« Aim: We wanted to learn how the Registered Report article format was working for key stakeholder groups at the publisher…osf.io, DeHaven, Alexander C., et al., 2019, MetaArXiv. September 17. doi:10.31222/osf.io/ndvek
Open-access megajournals lose momentum as the publishing model matures
« When PLOS ONE debuted in 2006, its founders declared it would transform scientific publishing. It was the first multidisciplinary, large-volume,…19.04.2019
About University Journals
« Fourteen universities from five European countries started a collaboration to set up University Journals as an alternative to the current…18.04.2019
Ithaka S+R US Faculty Survey 2018
« (…) In this seventh triennial cycle, we surveyed a random sample of faculty within the United States on topics from…21.01.2019
Cambridge University Press launches new model for scholarly publishing
« Cambridge University Press has launched a new publishing model to provide an outlet for world-class research and writing that sits…23.05.2018