Mot-clé : max-planck-society
Le G6 s’engage pour la science ouverte
« À l’approche des journées européennes de la science ouverte (4-5 février 2022), le réseau G6, qui regroupe les principaux organismes…16.02.2021
Where Do Early Career Researchers Stand on Open Science Practices? A Survey Within the Max Planck Society
« Open science (OS) is of paramount importance for the improvement of science worldwide and across research fields. Recent years have…07.05.2020
Max Planck Society: Edmond update – repository growth and new features
« Edmond, the now well-established open research data repository of the Max Planck Society, continues to…12.04.2019
Cambridge University Press reaches major Open Access agreement with Max Planck Society
« Cambridge University Press has reached a major Open Access agreement with Germany’s Max Planck Society (MPG). This builds on the…21.12.2018
Max Planck Society discontinues agreement with Elsevier; stands firm with Projekt DEAL negotiations
« (…) In response to the untenably increasing cost of access to scholarly journals and, more importantly, the stifling effect of…05.07.2017