Mot-clé : league-of-european-research-universities-leru
LERU / CE7 statement on research(er) assessment
« Earlier this spring, more than thirty academics and senior professionals from LERU member universities and seven leading Central European universities…27.09.2022
[#20yearsLERU] LERU Anniversary Conference « Science as a global public good” | Brussels, 10 November 2022
« (…) The event will focus on science as a global public good, with the paper written…27.01.2022
A Pathway towards Multidimensional Academic Careers. A LERU Framework for the Assessment of Researchers (.pdf)
« The assessment of research and researchers is currently a prominent subject in and outside the academic world. Unfortunately the debate…04.02.2020
Guide LERU pour développer une culture de l’intégrité de la recherche dans les Universités
« LERU (League of European Research Universities) est un réseau de 23 universités en Europe, dont 3 universités françaises. Ce réseau…28.06.2017
Survey Results: How Ready are Research Institutions to Manage Research Data?
« In February 2016 the…03.04.2017
LERU: The societal impact of universities: “Here today, and here to stay”
« At an event this morning in Brussels, the League of European Research Universities (LERU) launched a new policy paper “…11.01.2017
EU Copyright Reform: LIBER Joins Leading Research Groups In Call For More Change
« In a statement released today, LIBER, CESAER, EUA, LERU and…20.09.2016
What kind of world is STM living in?
« (…) 14 September saw the International Association of STM publishers (STM) issue a response…15.09.2016
EU copyright reform and TDM : potentially good for research but certainly not (yet) for innovation !
« Today, the European Commission has presented its legislative proposal to update the EU framework on copyright. LERU is…30.08.2016
H2020 should focus on innovative collaborative discovery research not on technology readiness
« To forge better links not only between university research laboratories but also with companies, there should be more…03.06.2016
“2,5 pages of nonsense” – The STM statement on the Open Science Council conclusions
« On 28 May 2016, the International Association for Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM) issued a response…24.07.2014
European Commission Thinks Again on Copyright White Paper
« …The pause in the publication of the White Paper is good news for LIBER and LERU because it…23.06.2014