Mot-clé : knowledge-exchange
Knowledge Exchange: Paying for Open Access
« (…) To share a better understanding of author’s perspectives on APC payments, Knowledge Exchange has carried out a study among…10.05.2017
Knowledge Exchange consensus on monitoring Open Access publications and cost data
« In November 2016, Knowledge Exchange hosted a second workshop on monitoring of open access in Copenhagen, Denmark. The workshop was…23.03.2017
Sustainability coalition for Open Science services established
« Recently, a significant step toward ensuring the sustainability of non-commercial open science services was taken with the launch of a…16.01.2017
Le CNRS et Knowledge Exchange
« Résultat et conséquence logique d’un engagement de la DIST dans différents projets du groupement européen Knowledge Exchange (KE),…15.11.2016
Knowledge Exchange recommendations for a Repository for Training Materials on Research Data Management
« In February 2016 Knowledge Exchange (KE) organised a workshop to share successful approaches on current practice around Research…repository.jisc.ac.uk, Knowledge Exchange Expert Group on Research Data, novembre 2016