Mot-clé : impact-social
Meta-Research and Researcher Evaluation
« Meta-research and research evaluation are very broad subjects, and their interrelationship cannot be adequately covered in a single chapter. Instead,…30.11.2020
Preprints as accelerator of scholarly communication: An empirical analysis in Mathematics
« In this study we analyse the key driving factors of preprints in enhancing scholarly communication. To this end we use…03.05.2016
Pour la sociologue Evelyn Ruppert, il faut un regard autre que technique sur le big data
« La sociologue des data, Evelyn Ruppert, lance un site d’analyse transdisciplinaire sur les big data. Pas de…29.03.2016
Altmetrics of « altmetrics » using Google Scholar, Twitter, Mendeley, Facebook, Google-plus, CiteULike, Blogs and Wiki
« We measure the impact of « altmetrics » field by deploying altmetrics indicators using the data from Google Scholar, Twitter,…arxiv.org, Saeed-Ul Hassan, Uzair Ahmed Gillani, 25 mars 2016