Mot-clé : global-young-academy-gya
Global Young Academy launches Strategic Plan for the years 2024-2027
« (…) This comprehensive roadmap, crafted through collaborative efforts among the diverse members of the GYA community, delineates our vision, mission,…27.11.2023
Researcher Assessment: ISC Members invited to respond to global survey
« Joint global mapping exercise on research evaluation and engagement launched for national academies and research councils, and regional and international…27.11.2023
L’avenir de l’évaluation de la recherche : une synthèse des débats et des développements actuels
« Ce rapport de synthèse est publié par le groupe de réflexion de l’ISC, le Center for Science Futures, avec ses…26.05.2023
GYA, InterAcademy Partnership, and International Science Council release “The Future of Research Evaluation: A Synthesis of Current Debates and Developments”
« The GYA, the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) and the International Science Council (ISC) Centre for Science Futures have released a synthesis…21.10.2022