Mot-clé : freya
Presenting FREYA Results: Realising the EOSC
« The FREYA project is coming to an end in november 2020 and this is the time to present an overview…project-freya.eu, Ricarda Braukmann (DANS), 30 novembre 2020
Realising the European Open Science Cloud
Monday, November 16, 2020 – 09:00 to Thursday, November 19, 2020 – 13:30 « Help create a FAIR research data…02.11.2020
Open identifiers for open research: building a national strategy for PID adoption in the UK
(…) The goal is to take existing networks to the next level, by exploring how the UK research community can…project-freya.eu, Christopher Brown, Josh Brown, Alice Meadows, 29 octobre 2020
DataCite Commons at your service
« DataCite and the FREYA project partners are proud to announce the official launch of…23.09.2020
Realising the European Open Science Cloud: Towards a FAIR research data landscape for the social sciences, humanities and beyond
« Help create a FAIR research data landscape! Discover new tools and techniques and aggregate your services to the EOSC…08.07.2020
FREYA project: « The power of PIDs » [vidéo]
« By using PIDs, different parts of research can be linked together. This subsequently improves the findability, accessibility and navigation of…03.06.2020
FREYA Project: Guides to Choosing Persistent Identifiers – Version 1
« The FREYA Project has compiled short guides to help with choosing persistent identifiers for various types of entities. These first…29.04.2019