Mot-clé : eosc-pillar
EOSC-Pillar Final Event – October 25, 26, 27 2022 – Paris (France)
« The EOSC-Pillar Final Conference: Building an EOSC from National Contributions will highlight some of the main results of the EOSC-Pillar…12.05.2022
[#SavetheDate] EOSC-Pillar Final Event – October 25 2022, Paris (France)
« The EOSC-Pillar Final Event: Building an EOSC from National Contributions will highlight some of the main results of the EOSC-Pillar…02.05.2022
The Data Paper: A new video series co-produced by EOSC-Pillar
« An exciting series of three videos on the subject of data papers has just been published, co-produced by EOSC-Pillar in…13.04.2022
Recommendations for Legal and Policy Harmonisation of Open and FAIR Science in the EU
« The realisation of cross-border, multinational management of FAIR research data and the related participation of EU Member States in EOSC…08.03.2022
EOSC-Pillar Legal Compliance Guidelines for Researchers: a Checklist
« When preparing a research proposal, as well as when it comes to its implementation and the following review, researchers need…18.01.2022
Assessing the maturity of EOSC-Pillar services
« The EOSC-Pillar Work Package 7 on Horizontal data storage and computing services recently published a key deliverable,…13.12.2021
EOSC-Pillar Ambassadors Programme Poster – French version
« L’EOSC (European Open Science Cloud, Cloud Fédéré Européen pour la Science Ouverte) a un rôle important à jouer dans la…29.11.2021
EOSC-Pillar Second Annual Report
« The EOSC-Pillar Annual Report is a publication of the EOSC-Pillar project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon…22.11.2021
ReadMetrics retenu pour le projet EOSC-Pillar
(…) ReadMetrics pour mesurer les usages Dans le cadre de l’appel du consortium EOSC Pillar et sous l’impulsion de…09.11.2021
Guidelines and Recommendations for the Technical Integration of Resources and Services in the EOSC
« EOSC-Pillar Work Package 7 on Horizontal data storage and computing resources recently completed D7.1, a key deliverable describing the activities…20.10.2021
NAKALA: FAIRification of data in mass [vidéo]
« The Huma-Num Consortium CAHIER represents dozens of projects. To store their data so that they can be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable,…29.07.2021
Webinaire EOSC-Pillar, santé et biodiversité – 16 Septembre 2021
« Le projet EOSC-Pillar a mené, en 2019, une enquête « Initiatives Nationales » dans les 5 pays participants…26.05.2021
Incorporating National and Thematic Service and Resource Catalogues into the EOSC, 21 June 2021 [Online Workshop]
« In the ongoing work to build the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), several thematic EOSC projects have already begun operating…01.04.2021
Bringing research communities together: the EOSC-Pillar Day in France
« What did France learn specifically from EOSC-Pillar activities and what are the opportunities for French researchers through this project? These…25.03.2021
Journée EOSC-Pillar France, 22 mars 2021 [vidéos, diaporamas]
« Le MESRI a organisé une journée EOSC-Pillar le 22 mars. Tout le matériel est maintenant en ligne : Les PDF…17.03.2021
Journée EOSC-Pillar France, 22 mars 2021
« EOSC-Pillar vise à coordonner les efforts nationaux en matière de science ouverte en Autriche, en Belgique, en France, en Allemagne…12.02.2021
Appel à candidature pour l’intégration de services aux données au catalogue EOSC
« Le projet EOSC-pillar, dont le CINES assure la coordination technique, propose un appel à candidature pour l’intégration de prestataires de…12.11.2020