Mot-clé : eosc-hub
Realising EOSC: Virtual Conference with a Difference
« Some 700 visitors from 45 countries flocked to Realising the European Open Science Cloud, the virtual conference…12.11.2020
Realising the European Open Science Cloud
Monday, November 16, 2020 – 09:00 to Thursday, November 19, 2020 – 13:30 « Help create a FAIR research data…27.05.2020
EOSC-HUB WEEK 2020 – 18-20 May 2020 – [slides & recordings]
« In light of the recommendations from the scientific community and public authorities in Europe regarding the COVID-19 situation, the event…15.01.2020
Recommendations for Services in a FAIR data ecosystem
« This report highlights common challenges and priorities, and proposes a set of initial recommendations on how existing data infrastructures can…26.11.2019
The 5th issue of the EOSC-hub Magazine is now published
« The 5th issue of the EOSC-hub Magazine is now published and features articles focused on the…18.10.2018