Mot-clé : data-sharing
Ten (not so) simple rules for clinical trial data-sharing
« Clinical trial data-sharing is seen as an imperative for research integrity and is becoming increasingly encouraged or even required by…02.12.2021
Big Data Infrastructure at the Crossroad
« (…) This report provides a detailed account of how big data research is pursued in academic contexts, focusing on identifying…Dylan Ruediger, Thea P. Atwood, Neelam Bharti, Bryan Briones, Patrick Campbell, Paula Carey, et.al
Promoting Open Science Through Research Data Management
« Data management, which encompasses activities and strategies related to the storage, organization, and description of data and other research materials,…07.06.2021
Researcher attitudes toward data sharing in public data repositories: a meta-evaluation of studies on researcher data sharing
« The purpose of this paper is to report a study of how research literature addresses researchers’ attitudes toward data repository…27.04.2021
An examination of data reuse practices within highly cited articles of faculty at a research university
« (…) This paper describes a project that: (1) surveyed authors of highly cited papers published in 2015 at the University…12.06.2017
Inventory of Research Data Management Services in France
« Data has become more and more ubiquitous in the research context. As a result, a growing number of services are…ebooks.iospress.nl, Violaine Rebouillat, 2017, DOI 10.3233/978-1-61499-769-6-174
Les avantages des modèles de partage de données en accès ouvert : une dizaine de projets de qualité
« Partager les données semble raisonnable dans le domaine des essais randomisés, plutôt qu’une course permanente pour générer des données (d’ailleurs…06.04.2017
Evaluating and Promoting Open Data Practices in Open Access Journals
« In the last decade there has been a dramatic increase in attention from the scholarly communications and research community to…informatics.mit.edu, Eleni Castro, Mercè Crosas, Alex Garnett, Kasey Sheridan, Micah Altman, 2017
Sharing data increases citations
« This paper presents some indications to the existence of a citation advantage related to sharing data using astrophysics…30.06.2015
Wiley/Figshare partnership ‘to support data sharing’
« John Wiley & Sons has announced a partnership with the London-based data repository organisation Figshare. Wiley…16.06.2015