Mot-clé : data-science
Comment se former pour saisir les opportunités professionnelles dans la gestion des données ?
« Inria, l’IMT et CY Cergy Paris Université vous proposent 3 formations pour vous initier aux traitements des données. L’usage…05.05.2021
New academy will strengthen data science in Denmark
« In recent years, public and private actors have invested significantly in research projects and initiatives to strengthen Denmark’s international position…04.03.2021
Webinar: Open Book Metadata – February 24, 2021 [Slides and Recording]
« As well as the recording above, please see this post for speakers’ key takeaways, answers to attendee…31.07.2020
The Data Science Life Cycle: A Disciplined Approach to Advancing Data Science as a Science
« (…) The Data Science Life Cycle introduced here can be used as a framing principle to guide decision making in…23.06.2020
Data Science Tools for Monitoring the Global Repository Eco-System and its Lines of Evolution
« The global network of scholarly repositories for the publication and dissemination of scientific publications and related materials can already look…24.01.2020
Org mode, un compagnon de route pour les adeptes de data science et de recherche reproductible
« En très peu de mots, Org mode pourrait être présenté comme le cousin germain des Jupyter…11.12.2019
Responsible Operations: Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI in Libraries
« Responsible Operations is intended to help chart library community engagement with data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI) and…oclc.org,Thomas Padilla, 2019, Dublin, OH: OCLC Research. https://doi.org/10.25333/xk7z-9g97.
APSEM2019 : éco-systèmes pour la science ouverte et recherche par les données, 15 -18 octobre 2019 Toulouse (France)
« L’apport croisé et les nouvelles perspectives des technologies du web des données et de la recherche par les données pour…05.07.2019
Harvard Data Science initiative Launches Harvard Data Science Review
« (…) Combining features of a premier research journal, a leading educational publication, and a popular magazine, HDSR leverages digital technologies…19.03.2019
Introduction to Data Science Data Analysis and Prediction Algorithms with R
« (…) The link for the online version of the book is https://rafalab.github.io/dsbook/ The R markdown…20.08.2018
LADaS 2018, First Latin America Data Science Workshop – August 27, 2018 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [book of proceedings]
« The goal of the 2018 Latin American Workshop on Data Science (LADaS 2018) is to provide a forum for scientists,…17.11.2017
Programming Languages for Data Science and ML – With Source Code Illustrations
« This resource is part of a series on specific topics related to data science: regression, clustering, neural networks, deep learning,…23.10.2017
NASA Perspectives on Deep Learning
« In this video from the HPC User Forum in Milwaukee, Nikunj Oza from NASA Ames presents: NASA Perspectives on Deep…14.12.2016
La révolution de la donnée au Royaume-Uni
« (…) Il y a tout juste 25 ans, le 23 août 1991, l’ingénieur britannique Sir Tim Berners-Lee ouvrait…30.03.2016
Achieving human and machine accessibility of cited data in scholarly publications
« Reproducibility and reusability of research results is an important concern in scientific communication and science policy. A foundational…22.09.2014