Mot-clé : common-language-resources-and-technology-infrastructure-clarin
ORTOLANG Gains B-Centre Certification
« We are pleased to announce that ORTOLANG, platform for linguistic tools and resources for the French language,…15.11.2021
CLARIN Café on Text and Data Mining Exceptions in the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market
« The CLARIN Café on Text and Data Mining (TDM) Exceptions in the Directive on Copyright in the…08.12.2020
SSHOC Vocabulary Information Sessions: Takeaways, Slides and Recordings
« As part of the SSHOC activities, CLARIN organized three separate virtual information sessions where members of the social sciences and…20.11.2020
Supporting the Interoperability of EOSC Through a Flexible Semantic Mapping Framework
« The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative is based on the FAIR data principles, which are…17.01.2020
Glossa – a user-friendly corpus search system
« The Glossa search system is an advanced, user-friendly interface for searching in written text and transcripts of audio or video.04.10.2019
CLARIN Annual Conference 2019, 30 September – 2 October 2019, Leipzig, Germany [book of proceedings]
« CLARIN2019 is organized for the wider Humanities and Social Sciences communities in order to exchange ideas and experiences with the…office.clarin.eu, Edited by Kiril Simov, Maria Eskevich, septembre 2019
CLARIN: The federated content search – version 2
« The CLARIN federated content search, CLARIN-FCS 2.0, has been released. This is a new major release, that brings groundbreaking new…24.07.2018
DH Course Registry Metadatathon: a joint effort of DARIAH-EU and CLARIN ERIC, Paris 2018
« (…) The DH Course Registry Metadatathon was a part of the DARIAH Annual Event 2018 held in Paris, France on Thursday, May…28.06.2018