Mot-clé : barcelona-declaration
LIBER Signs the Barcelona Declaration
« Joining more than 80 organisations, LIBER Europe signs the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research…29.10.2024
Barcelona Declaration and the role of Open Science Infrastructures (video)
« On 26 September 2024, LIBER and SCOSS hosted a webinar that focused on the Barcelona Declaration (what it is, who…24.10.2024
Vers une évaluation de la recherche plus ouverte et équitable : la déclaration de Barcelone
« La Déclaration de Barcelone marque un tournant dans la manière dont sont produites, partagées et utilisées les informations relatives au…10.10.2024
Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information | Paris Conference on Open Research Information
« (…) Over two days in Paris and with a highly engaged group of online participants from a range of geographies…05.06.2024
Barcelona Declaration | Paris Conference on Open Research Information, September 23-24, 2024, Sorbonne University – Paris
« A large number of organizations that carry out, fund, and evaluate research have signed the Barcelona Declaration. These organizations have…09.04.2024