Mot-clé : acces-a-linformation
Wiley and The Norwegian Directorate for ICT and Joint Services in Higher Education and Research Partner to Advance Scholarly Research and Publishing in Norway
« John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (NYSE:JWA)(NYSE:JWB), a global leader in research and education, and Unit – The Norwegian Directorate for…07.03.2019
Bibliothèque de Sorbonne Université : Désabonnement IEEE
« La Bibliothèque de Sorbonne Université et l’éditeur IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) ne sont pas parvenus à un…04.03.2019
What is Content Syndication?
« Over the past year, there have been some important developments among the major publishers as they move towards a new…18.02.2019
EU publications – Cost-benefit analysis for FAIR research data Policy recommendations – Study
« FAIR research data encompasses the way to create, store and publish research data in a way that they are…publications.europa.eu, Direction générale de la recherche et de l'innovation, 16 janvier 2019
Comment obtenir un rapport ezMESURE des accès fulltext aux ressources ISTEX ?
« Lors de la dernière revue de projet, nous avons présenté le service qui permet d’obtenir un rapport PDF des accès…04.02.2019
Lancement des groupes de travail CollEx-Persée sur la fourniture de documents à distance et les plans de conservation partagée
« Parmi les nombreuses activités du Groupement d’intérêt scientifique (G.I.S.) CollEx-Persée qui vise à développer les services aux chercheurs autour des…26.10.2018
How Students Engage with News: Five Takeaways for Educators, Journalists, and Librarians
« The News Study research report presents findings about how a sample of U.S. college students gather information and engage with…08.10.2018
Statement regarding 70 discontinued OA journals now available on Portico
« De Gruyter is in the process of removing a number of open access journals from our platform. The 70 journals…26.09.2018
Finnish University rectors demand scholarly publishers to transition to open access
« The license negotiations with scholarly publishers must advance the transition to open access publishing, the Finnish university rectors demand in…07.08.2018
Comment généraliser l’accès ouvert à la recherche ? Retour sur le forum Open d’Etat #3 « Ouvrons la science ! »
« Le troisième forum Open d’Etat s’est tenu le 9 juillet 2018 à Toulouse, à l’Hôtel de Région Occitanie. Le forum…02.08.2018
Elsevier/Impactstory agreement will make open access articles easier to find on Scopus
« Open access is growing across the industry, but it can be hard to know which articles are open and which…26.07.2018
Etats-Unis : Foster Introduces Legislation to Improve Government Access to Scientific Information
« Today, Congressman Bill Foster (D-IL) introduced H.R. 6501, the Well-Informed, Scientific, and Efficient (WISE) Government Act. The WISE Government Act…19.07.2018
TIB facilitates literature supply despite Elsevier blocking access to electronic journals
« Almost 800 journals available via TIB Document Delivery Talks between the scientific publisher Elsevier and the German Rectors’ Conference…09.07.2018
DEAL and Elsevier negotiations: Elsevier demands unacceptable for the academic community
“The excessive demands put forward by Elsevier have left us with no choice but to suspend negotiations between the publisher…09.07.2018
New Tool for Open-Access Research
« A new search engine that aims to connect nonacademics with open-access research will be launched this fall.04.07.2018
CRUI and Elsevier reach agreement for subscription and open access publishing
« Following constructive and forward-looking negotiations at the end of 2017, the Conference of Italian University Rectors…29.06.2018
Introduction à Voyant Tools
« Voyant Tools est un environnement d’analyse, de lecture et de visualisation de textes numériques. Cette plateforme…github.com/aurelberra/voyant_tools, Aurélien Berra, 28 juin 2018
Softwareheritage.org, l’UNESCO et Inria ouvrent les archives de l’ère numérique
« L’UNESCO et Inria donneront le 7 juin le coup d’envoi de Softwareheritage.org, une initiative mondiale visant à créer une bibliothèque…17.05.2018
New tools to put OA into Interlibrary Loan from the Open Access Button
« Libraries have led the charge to open up access to the scholarly literature. We want to help turn that leadership…11.05.2018
21 millions de ressources de 19 éditeurs internationaux et francophones accessibles à toutes les communautés de l’Université Paris-Saclay
« Depuis le mois de mars, les articles de la plateforme ISTEX sont signalés sur FOCUS par un bouton d’accès au…09.05.2018
Recommendation on access to and preservation of Scientific Information
« The European Commission has released a new set of recommendations to the Member States that offer guidance…26.04.2018
European Commission: Building a European data economy
« (…) the Commission further develops Open Access policy by updating the 2012 Recommendation to…10.04.2018
Unlocking the open – Europe PMC integrates with Unpaywall
« It’s always frustrating to hit a paywall when you stumble across an exciting article. Until recently, for many of us…28.02.2018
Accès unifié via Research4Life aux ressources documentaires des programmes AGORA, HINARI, OARE, ARDI et GOALI
« Depuis janvier 2018, une institution du Sud peut accéder aux 5 portails avec un identifiant unique. Aujourd’hui, plus de 8500…26.02.2018
Japon : The NDL (National Diet Library) Online and its new services
« The National Diet Library, Japan (NDL) is pleased to announce the launch on January 5, 2018, of a new system…ndl.go.jp/en/publication/ndl_newsletter, No. 216, February 2018
OCLC extends WorldShare Management Services mobile capabilities worldwide
« Following a successful launch in the United States, OCLC is extending its Digby mobile app to libraries worldwide, offering…22.02.2018
Measuring the impact of piracy and open access on the academic library services
« The University of Geneva library has seen,like others around the world,a slight but steady decrease in its document delivery service…07.02.2018
Academic Software “Kopernio” Receives Funding from Innovate UK to Accelerate One-Click Journal Article Access for Academics and Researchers Worldwide
« We are proud to announce that Kopernio has received funding and additional support from Innovate UK, the UK Government’s innovation…11.12.2017