Mot-clé :
cOAlition S response to the STM statement: the Rights Retention Strategy restores long-standing academic freedoms
« The statement published earlier today (3rd February) by the STM Association and signed by a number of…coalition-s.org, Robert Kiley, Johan Rooryck, 3 février 2021
Signatories publish statement on Rights Retention Strategy
« (…) As of January 2021, a group of private funding agencies and European governmental funding agencies called “cOAlition S” has…02.02.2021
Publishing Philosophy Open Access Without a Particle Collider
« Open Access often appears to be a monolithic concept, covering all fields of research and publication. However, in practice its…blogs.lse.ac.uk, Bryan W. Roberts, David Teira, 29 janvier 2021
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Sets a New Course for Open Access
« Funding of publication costs and targeted support for research-friendly publication infrastructures / Topics and background information on the DFG website…01.02.2021
Welcome to openjournals.nl
« Openjournals provides a professional OpenAccess publishing platform for scholarly, peer-reviewed journals. This platform is made possible by a collaboration between…29.01.2021
SPARC Europe publishes new strategy 2021-2024
« SPARC Europe’s new strategy continues to strive to make Open research and education the default for the Higher Education community,…29.01.2021
Preservation of open access articles – is long-term storage guaranteed?
« You have followed the mandate from your funding body and published your prized research in an open access (OA) journal,…26.01.2021
DFG – Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – New website on open access
« The DFG supports open access. Important with respect to DFG funding is the stated benefit of this publishing method in…20.01.2021
Science ouverte et accès ouvert, petit manuel pour chercheurs et chercheuses (épisode 2)
« (…) Choix en matière d’open access et open data Lorsqu’un chercheur ou une chercheuse s’engage dans la science ouverte,…18.01.2021
Science ouverte et accès ouvert, petit manuel pour chercheurs et chercheuses (épisode 1)
« Qu’il s’agisse de publier un article, de répondre à un appel à projet ou d’archiver des données, les chercheurs et…14.01.2021
UCT Libraries’ new platform supports publishing of African-centric research
« The University of Cape Town (UCT) Libraries has developed a new continental platform for open access publishing…12.01.2021
Wiley Acquires Hindawi: An Interview with Judy Verses and Liz Ferguson
« Last week John Wiley & Sons announced its acquisition of open access (OA) publisher Hindawi Limited for $298M. While…12.01.2021
Eleanor Masterman. « ‘Communists of Knowledge’? A case for the implementation of ‘radical open access’ in the humanities and social sciences »[thesis]
« Open access (OA) has widely been touted as a ‘radical’ alternative to the traditional scholarly publishing system, which has faced…07.01.2021
Can Publishers Maintain Control of the Scholarly Record?
« The journal brand has proven to be the great intangible asset of the scholarly publisher. It signals…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Danielle Cooper, Oya Y. Rieger, Roger C. Schonfeld, 6 janvier 2021
Open Bioeconomy—A Bibliometric Study on the Accessibility of Articles in the Field of Bioeconomy
« Open access (OA) to scientific information is one of the major challenges and objectives of actual public research policy. The…05.01.2021
Wiley Announces Acquisition of Hindawi
« John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (NYSE:JWA) (NYSE:JWB) today announced the acquisition of Hindawi Limited, an innovator in open access (OA)…05.01.2021
2020 locked in shift to open access publishing, but Australia is lagging
« For all its faults, 2020 appears to have locked in momentum for the open access movement. But it is time…05.01.2021
zbMATH Open
« Starting 1st January 2021, zbMATH is becoming an open access database. The mathematical community is invited to participate in its…22.12.2020
Muthu Madhan: ‘One nation one subscription’ is an elusive goal
« (…) Muthu Madhan is a long-time crusader for open access (OA) to scholarly literature in India. He has been…15.12.2020
The 2019/20 Barometer for the Academic World: New Insights for Open Science?
« What is the state of science in Germany these days? The Barometer for the Academic World has been dedicated to…15.12.2020
Physics societies unite in support of open access
« Major physics societies, which support physical science researchers with the publication of more than 75,000 peer-reviewed journal articles each year,…14.12.2020
Scopus filters for Open Access type and 5.5 million more OA articles (17 million in total!)
« Key points: As of 9th December, Scopus has new Open Access filters, providing greater clarity on the type of open…10.12.2020
Adoption of the Open Access Business Model in Scientific Journal Publishing: A Cross-disciplinary Study
« Scientific journal publishers have rapidly converted during the past 25 years to predominantly electronic dissemination, but the reader-pays business model…crl.acrl.org, Bo-Christer Björk, Timo Korkeamäki, 2020, https://doi.org/10.5860/crl.81.7.1080
Jisc launches next-generation, Plan S-compliant repository
« Jisc is launching a new multi-content repository for storing research data and articles that will make…07.12.2020
Transformative agreements: Do they pave the way to open access?
« Transformative agreements, also known as ‘offsetting’, ‘read and publish’, or ‘publish and read’ agreements, have shifted the focus of scholarly…03.12.2020
UK collaborates with new body to accelerate global open access
« UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), Wellcome and Jisc are among the first organisations…03.12.2020
How is open access publishing going down with early career researchers? An international, multi-disciplinary study (.pdf)
« This study explores early career researchers’ (ECRs) appreciation and utilisation of open access (OA) publishing. The evidence reported here results…02.12.2020
15th Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing 2020 – November 17–19 [presentations & posters]
« The Munin Conference is an annual conference on scholarly publishing and communication, primarily revolving around open access, open data and…26.11.2020
Call for participation in the EUA Open Science Survey
Deadline: 11 December 2020 « EUA has launched its 2020-2021 Open Science Survey. The aim is…26.11.2020
La revue Nature (Londres) passe en Open Access pour répondre au plan S, avec des FTA de 9 500 € par article
« Le plan S, en Europe, lancé en septembre 2018, demande aux éditeurs de publier avec le…25.11.2020
Academy of Finland to adopt reforms to open access publishing and responsible researcher evaluation from beginning of 2021
« Starting with calls to be opened after 1 January 2021, the Academy of Finland will introduce a number of reforms…20.11.2020
The Enlightenment of Peer Review : How Academic Librarians Can Utilize Open Peer Review Methods to Advance Information Literacy
« In today’s world of digital scholarly publishing, it is increasingly clear that movements such as open access (OA), Open Science,…18.11.2020
Elsevier and Japan Alliance of University Library Consortia for E-Resources agree on proposal for subscription framework with measures to support Open Access goals
« The Japan Alliance of University Library Consortia for E-Resources (JUSTICE) and Elsevier, a global leader…18.11.2020
cOAlition S releases the Journal Checker Tool, a search engine that checks Plan S compliance
« cOAlition S is excited to announce today, 18 November, the release of the Journal Checker Tool…06.11.2020
Nunn, Emily B. « Open access to health and education research outside academia: perspectives of research users, research intermediaries and researchers » [thesis]
« The thesis investigates how publics outside academia engage with ideas of open access (OA) to research publications. To do this,…04.11.2020
TIB Blog: Open source infrastructure for the new publishing platform
« After we introduced the strategic and conceptual orientation of our new open-access…29.10.2020
Who’s Writing Open Access (OA) Articles? Characteristics of OA authors at Ph.D.-granting institutions in the United States
« The open access (OA) publication movement aims to present research literature to the public at no cost and with no…mitpressjournals.org, Anthony J. Olejniczak, Molly J. Wilson, 7 octobre 2020
Nature journals announce first open-access agreement
« The publisher of Nature has agreed its first deal to allow some researchers to publish in the journal, and in…nature.com, Richard Van Noorden, 20 octobre 2020, https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-02959-1
Charleston Library Conference at Frankfurt: Open Access in Focus
« In a Charleston Library Conference session at the Frankfurt Book Fair, the discussion centered on the changes brought by open…27.10.2020
OCLC supports libraries, researchers, educators and students with open access content through WorldCat
« OCLC is supporting libraries, researchers, educators and students with high-quality open access content that is discoverable and freely accessible through…26.10.2020
Central European University Press Announces Innovative Open Access Funding Model
« In line with international movements towards making academic content Open Access (OA), both for journals and books, and in keeping…21.10.2020
Open access and author rights: questioning Harvard’s open access policy
« Harvard’s open access (OA) policy, which has become a template for many institutional OA policies, intrinsically undermines the rights of scholars,…21.10.2020
Reassembling Scholarly Communications: Histories, Infrastructures, and Global Politics of Open Access
« A critical inquiry into the politics, practices, and infrastructures of open access and the reconfiguration of scholarly communication in digital…15.10.2020
IWA Publishing (International Water Association Publishing) Launches Pilot to Flip its Entire Journal Portfolio to Open Access Using the Subscribe-to-Open Mode
« IWA Publishing, the wholly owned publishing subsidiary of the International Water Association based in London, UK, has announced a pilot…15.10.2020
La longue route vers le libre accès au Canada
« (…) Cette chronique vise à mesurer l’importance de la diffusion en libre accès dans les institutions de recherche canadiennes, à…acfas.ca, Vincent Larivière, Virginie Paquet, 14 octobre 2020
How research can be shared effectively to advance science: insights from the Center for Open Science
« In recent years there has been increasing support for data sharing and transparency within scientific publishing to improve the quality…09.10.2020
Preprints and Author Services: An Interview with Rachel Burley and Eugenie Regan
« In recent years, major publishing houses have increased the attention they have been giving to preprints, as my colleague Oya…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Roger C. Schonfeld, 8 octobre 2020
Innovative Open Access in small sciences (InnOAccess)
« Academia – especially internet research – strives on a dynamic and diverse publishing ecosystem within which researchers can read and…06.10.2020
Meta-Research: Evaluating the impact of open access policies on research institutions
« The proportion of research outputs published in open access journals or made available on other freely-accessible platforms has increased over…05.10.2020
Converting to Open Access. The Austrian Journal of Political Science (OZP) as a case study
« Open Access is a simple idea that has resulted in a confusing landscape of business models, competing policy prescriptions, and…webapp.uibk.ac.at, Thomas König, DOI: https://doi.org/10.15203/ozp.3184.vol49iss3
HHMI (Howard Hughes Medical Institute) Announces Open Access Publishing Policy
« The new Open Access to Publications policy, which will take effect on January 1, 2022, will require all HHMI laboratory…02.10.2020
Open Access Perceptions, Strategies, and Digital Literacies: A Case Study of a Scholarly-Led Journal
« Open access (OA) publications play an important role for academia, policy-makers, and practitioners. Universities and research institutions set up OA…25.09.2020
Open Access Books in the Humanities and Social Sciences: an Open Access Altmetric Advantage
« The last decade has seen two significant phenomena emerge in research communication: the rise of open access (OA) publishing, and…arxiv.org, Michael Taylor, 22 septembre 2020, arXiv:2009.10442
La prédation dans le champ de la publication scientifique : un objet de recherche révélateur des mutations de la communication scientifique ouverte
« (…) L’article discute la définition de la revue prédatrice et propose une analyse du nouveau marché de listes de revues…16.09.2020
Directory of Open Access Journals in Keywords. Distribution and Themes of Articles
« Researchers depend on consultation with previous work in their field, most of which is published in scientific journals. The open…16.09.2020
How the Internet Archive is Ensuring Permanent Access to Open Access Journal Articles
« Internet Archive has archived and identified 9 million open access journal articles– the next 5 million is getting harder Open…15.09.2020
Bizos, Isabelle. « Big deals et open access: quelle stratégie numérique pour les bibliothèques universitaires ? » [Mémoire d’étude DCB]
» Le marché mondial de l’édition scientifique tend à se concentrer et à se développer sous la forme de monopoles…enssib.fr, Isabelle Bizos, Directeur de mémoire : Fabrice Boyer, 7 septembre 2020
Open Data and Open Access Articles: Exploring Connections in the Life Sciences
« Objectives: This small-scale study explores the current state of connections between open data and open access (OA) articles in the…escholarship.umassmed.edu, Sarah C. Williams, 9 septembre 2020, DOI 10.7191/jeslib.2020.1184
Achieving an equitable transition to open access for researchers in lower and middle-income countries
« The origins of this White Paper can be traced to a discussion started in mid-2019 between a number of scholarly…elsevier.com, Andrea Powell, Rob Johnson, Rachel Herbert, juillet 2020
Articles Are the Fundamental Unit of Data Sharing
« Research data is/are getting a lot of airtime at the moment. 2020 is the STM Association’s ‘…02.09.2020
Sustainable Open Access – What’s Next?
« Early last year, I interviewed Richard Gallagher, President and Editor-in-Chief of Annual Reviews about the organization’s rationale…01.09.2020
Open Is Not Forever: A Study of Vanished Open Access Journals
« The preservation of the scholarly record has been a point of concern since the beginning of knowledge production. With print…arxiv.org, Mikael Laakso, Lisa Matthias, Najko Jahn, 27 août 2020, arXiv:2008.11933