Mot-clé :
Making Europe a leader in AI: in conversation with Venki Ramakrishnan, Antoine Petit and Martin Stratmann
« An international interactive online event organised by the Royal Society, the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the…07.10.2020
Innovative Open Access in small sciences (InnOAccess)
« Academia – especially internet research – strives on a dynamic and diverse publishing ecosystem within which researchers can read and…11.08.2020
Library Support for OA Books Workshop: the German perspective
« This summer, as part of the WP2, we started a series of European-based workshops, aiming at…06.07.2020
When are researchers willing to share their data? – Impacts of values and uncertainty on open data in academia
« (…) In this study, we emphasized the non-technical factors perceived value and uncertainty factors in the context of academia, which…16.06.2020
Open Access Uptake in Germany 2010-18: Adoption in a diverse research landscape
« This study investigates the development of open access (OA) to journal articles from authors affiliated with German universities and non-university…09.06.2020
Research Data Management – Current status and future challenges for German non-university research institutions
« This report describes the results of a workshop on research data management (RDM) that took place in June 2019. More…28.05.2020
DFG, German Research Foundation: National Research Data Infrastructure – 2020 Call for Consortia Proposals (Round Two)
« The German federal and state governments reached an agreement in November 2018 to establish a national research data infrastructure (NFDI).15.05.2020
Mapping and semantic interoperability of the German RCD data model with the Europe-wide accepted CERIF
« (…)This paper presents the data model of the Research Core Dataset (RCD) and discusses its impact on data quality in…07.05.2020
Max Planck Society: Edmond update – repository growth and new features
« Edmond, the now well-established open research data repository of the Max Planck Society, continues to…04.05.2020
Open Science Conference 2020, 11-12 mars 2020, Berlin [abstracts, posters, slides]
« The Open Science Conference 2020 is the 7th international conference of the Leibniz…06.03.2020
Copernicus Publications published APC breakdown
« The 5th principle of Plan S states that « When Open Access publication fees are applied, they…17.02.2020
Report from the first national best practice workshop of the German open access monograph funds
« On 3 December 2019, the project team of the open access fund for monographs launched by the Leibniz Association invited…oa2020-de.org, Thomas Jung, Monika Pohlschmidt, Christoph Schindler, Olaf Siegert, 7 février 2020
Establishing tender procedures and competition within the framework of national library consortia for open access journals
« (…) The existing transformative agreements do not include mechanisms for the definitive flipping of journals into open access and no…21.01.2020
Visualize the impact of your research – a customizable tool in the making
« Metrics play an important role in research life. Hiring decisions or the evaluation of institutions or research groups are often…10.01.2020
Springer Nature and Germany´s Projekt DEAL finalise world´s largest transformative Open Access agreement
« Springer Nature and MPDL Services GmbH on behalf of Projekt DEAL today announce that the formal contract for the world’s…19.12.2019
zbMATH Open: Information for mathematicians becomes freely accessible
« In 2020, FIZ Karlsruhe will start transforming the zbMATH information service into an open access platform. (…) »29.11.2019
ORCID DE – Milestones and Key Figures
« The ORCID DE project, which is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), has got much closer to achieving its…06.11.2019
Göttingen State, University Library and De Gruyter Launch an Open Access Book Transformation Project for the Humanities
« De Gruyter and a consortium led by the Göttingen State and University…30.10.2019
OA2020-DE publishes research report on the funding requirements for open access
« OA2020-DE publishes transformation calculation to determine funding requirements for open access at selected German universities and research institutions. (…) »27.09.2019
What’s the DEAL?: An Interview with Springer Nature’s Dagmar Laging
« In late August, Springer Nature and Germany’s Projekt DEAL announced that they had signed a memorandum…scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org, Rick Anderson, 26 septembre 2019
The blockchain strategy of the German federal government: bloxberg as an example of the application of blockchain technology in science
« The German federal government refers to the bloxberg-initiative of the Max Planck Society in their recently published strategy paper on…24.09.2019
OA2020-DE research report on the number of publications at German science institutions published
« OA2020-DE research report on the number of publications and distribution of scientific articles in the context of open-access transformation at…23.09.2019
SWIB19 – 11th Semantic Web in Libraries Conference 25 – 27 November 2019 in Hamburg [programme]
« SWIB conference (Semantic Web in Libraries) is an annual conference, being held for the 11th time, focusing on Linked Open…23.09.2019
Posters and Demos at SEMANTiCS 2019, 9th -12th September 2019, Karlsruhe, Germany
« This volume contains the proceedings of the Poster and Demo Track of the 15th International Conference on Semantic Systems, SEMANTiCS…28.08.2019
DFG – Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – Open Access
« To promote open access the DFG works closely with partners in Germany, Europe and the rest of the world. As…26.08.2019
PUBLISSO offer extended
« Comprehensive information on research data management and digital preservation On the publication portal PUBLISSO, ZB MED – Information Center…22.08.2019
SEMANTiCS 2019 « The Power of AI and Knowledge Graphs », Sept. 09-12, 2019 , Karlsruhe (Germany) [programme]
« SEMANTiCS conference is the leading European conference on Semantic Technologies and AI. Researchers, industry experts and business leaders can develop…22.08.2019
PROJEKT DEAL and SPRINGER NATURE reach understanding on world´s largest transformative Open Access agreement
« (…) A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed today between MPDL Services, on behalf of Projekt DEAL, and Springer Nature sets…13.08.2019
The 1st convention for communities who create open books and knowledge resources: The SprintCon on October 21, 2019 in Hannover
« The SprintCon is the pre-conference of the Twenty-First International Conference on Grey Literature (GL21). We…16.07.2019
Wiley’s New Open Access Agreement With Germany and What It Means for You
« Projekt DEAL and Wiley have partnered to support institutions and researchers to advance open research, drive discovery, and develop and…03.07.2019
Research Data Management: Toolbox for successful institutional Services
« What do we do with the data, some researchers wonder. Central university institutions want to provide answers on how they…02.07.2019
Open Access becomes normality – DEAL-Wiley agreement comes into effect on 1 July 2019
(…) On 1 July 2019, the DEAL agreement with Wiley will become fully effective. The agreement provides members of…27.06.2019
Project DeepGreen
« The Project Deep Green aims to transfer scientific publications, which can be made freely available after the end of their…20.06.2019
ROSI (Reference Implementation for Open Scientometric Indicators) [diaporama]
« Presentation about ROSI (Reference Implementation for Open Scientometric Indicators) project at Workshop on Open Scientometric Data Infrastructures, Centre for Science…18.06.2019
Results of the 3rd GO FAIR Workshop for the German Research Community
“GO BUILD – GO CHANGE – GO TRAIN – Ways for the German Community to Contribute to GO FAIR”…14.06.2019
Proceedings of the International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM) Demo Track, Aachen, Germany, June 24-26, 2019
« This proceedings volume collects the papers presented at the ICPM DemoTrack 2019, which was part of the 1st International Conference…05.06.2019
Results of the 3rd Germany GOes FAIR Workshop for the German Research Community
« GO BUILD – GO CHANGE – GO TRAIN – Ways for the German Community to Contribute to GO FAIR…29.05.2019
Successful Kick-off for Germany’s National Research Data Infrastructure
« On 13 and 14 May 2019, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) hosted an initial conference in Bonn focusing…10.05.2019
First international blockchain for science: bloxberg
« Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) initiates global research project Securing scientific information online and worldwide with no risk of…30.04.2019
Vous prendrez bien un petit Barcamp avant de passer à la conférence ?
« Marlene’s corner poursuit les collaborations en accueillant un nouvel invité : Romain Féret, chargé de mission Open Access et données…15.04.2019
BIR 2019 / 8th International Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval* – Cologne, Germany, April 14th, 2019 [book of proceedings]
*co-located with the 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2019) « The Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval workshop series (BIR) at…15.04.2019
41st European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2019, Cologne, Germany, April 14–18, 2019 [Proceedings, Part I and Part II]
« The 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR) was held in Cologne, Germany, during April 14–18, 2019, and brought together…03.04.2019
Making research results reproducible
« Starting in April of this year, the German Research Foundation (DFG) is supporting a joint project of the Institute for…28.03.2019
The Copernicus year 2018 – facts and figures
« Last year Copernicus celebrated its 30th anniversary. We had 6 new employees join our team, which means that we now…25.03.2019
Dr Xenia van Edig, Business Development, answers our questions. « (…) What is Copernicus doing to support that development? Do you…22.03.2019
Open Science Conference 2019 (OSC19), Berlin, Germany, 18-20 March 2019 [diaporamas]
« The Open Science Conference 2019 is the 6th international conference of the Leibniz Research Alliance Open Science. It is dedicated…19.03.2019
Meaning and Opportunities of the DEAL-Wiley Contract for the Open-Access Transformation
« With the signing of the Wiley contract on 15 January 2019, the alliance project DEAL has…26.02.2019
bloxberg – The novel Blockchain Consortium for Science
« The Max Planck Digital Library is pleased to announce the new research project bloxberg: the first trusted research infrastructure Twelve…25.02.2019
Deal reveals what scientists in Germany are paying for open access
« Project Deal, a consortium of libraries, universities, and research institutes in Germany, has unveiled an unprecedented deal with a major…21.02.2019
The Importance of CRIS in Promoting the Visibility of Data Publications
« In order to enhance researchers’ commitment to research data management it has to be ensured that their activities do not…zenodo.org, Hauck, Reingis, 19 février 2019, DOI 10.5281/zenodo.2572837
Projekt DEAL – John Wiley & Son Publish and Read Agreement
« Full text of the “Publish&Read” agreement between Project DEAL and Wiley signed 15th January 2019. (…) »…25.01.2019
About The information Portal GERiT – German Research Institutions
« Content and structure of GERiT The German research landscape is large and varied. The information portal GERiT – German…23.01.2019
SUB Göttingen and Copernicus Publications will start the National Consortium for Central Payment Processing of Article Processing Charges on 1.1.2019
« 14 scientific institutions have joined the national opt-in consortium for the central payment processing of APCs for articles of all…17.01.2019
Change ahead: How do smaller publishers perceive open access?
« (…) While libraries and funding bodies in German-speaking countries have been negotiating Open Access Agreements with large publishers for years…blogs.lse.ac.uk, Christian Kaier, Karin Lackner, 15 janvier 2019
Wiley and Projekt DEAL partner to enhance the future of scholarly research and publishing in Germany
« Wiley and Projekt DEAL establish groundbreaking partnership for Germany to pilot new publishing models, better enable researchers to create and…27.11.2018
Springer and Labster partner to bring the future of science education to thousands of German students
« Today Springer and Labster announce their partnership to bring engaging lab simulations to the thousands of students using Springer resources.19.11.2018
DINI (Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation) position paper on ORCID published
« The position paper “Author Identification Using the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)” was published within the framework of the…14.11.2018
Technical Introduction To The ORCID API – ORCID-DE Workshop, 8 November 2018 in Bielefeld, Germany [diaporama]
« Plan Are you already using any of the enabled systems that support ORCID? Which system(s) would you like to connect…10.10.2018
OA2020-DE and Knowledge Unlatched planning large-scale conversion of journals to Open Access
« OA202-DE, the German National Contact Point Open Access, and Knowledge Unlatched (KU), the central platform for sustainable Open Access (OA)…25.09.2018
APCs – Mirroring the impact factor or legacy of the subscription-based model? (.pdf)
« With the ongoing open-access transformation, article processing charges (APCs) are gaining importance as the dominant business model for scientific open-access…pub.uni-bielefeld.de, Dr. Nina Schonfelder, 18 septembre 2018
Predatory Publishing: « Publication Lists Are Overrated »
« Quantitative metrics are playing an increasingly important role in the assessment of academic careers. Wilhelm Krull, Secretary General of the…12.09.2018